So many things happened within this period..haiz..
End year exams over already..ok lo my result..not that bad but not that good as well..can eat good enough already..At first so damn scare will drop class because quite a number kept on studying nia before exams started..Trying to threaten others nia..Their results came out not that good also..But mostly took it lightly nia..Haha..
After exams, L6Bio1 had class party..

love this year class so much!!
^^ Ms Wong came also..Haha..We were celebrating for exams over and also Soo Voon's birthday which is on 1st Nov..We still play water though our ages already....... LOL..
Then we had EB dinner..I don't have much photos of it..This year,we had it at Foo's #####.."Salad" gets thumbs down from most of us..LOL..Sien Son cleared all for us..After that night,Michelle,Junyan and I went to Shu Wei's house at first but no answer..Therefore we tried our luck to look for him at his mom's shop.."He just left,"his mom said..Petrol TOOOOOO much already..We picked him up and drove to Su Kae's house because we didn't have any other place to go..Played poker there till midnight..^^
Mostly after exams play play nia..Didn't touch my book since exams over..Don't really wanna start leh..No mood ah..
"SLEEP!PLAY!EAT!" is my aim till end of this year..Maybe next year need to change to "STUDY!STUDY!STUDY!"..
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