Down to pantai again..Got people wanna eat noodles there wo..We started our journey a few minutes before 8 o'clock..It was drizzling all the way to pantai..Got me, Michelle, Shu Wei, Tze Wen, Lay Ling and Bee Suan..
We headed to bank first once we reached there..Need money to pump petrol ma..Actually wanted to pump before coming down here de, but lazy wanna U-turn..So just go straight to pantai lo..Due to desperately need those points (I only have 2 petrol station piont cards), I just simply pumped RM 10 first lo..
Reached liao ..

Then to Tze Wen's house and ......... LA-MI..

Then to Lay Ling's house for awhile..

"Body aching..I'm just laying on bones!!"

Michelle and him..

Family photo..


Tze Wen and Joe..

Su Kae, Lay Ling and Bee Suan..
Denson later on came for awhile..To Hong Wei's house next (petrol too much already)..
Her nephew..

"Body aching..I'm just laying on bones!!"

Michelle and him..

Family photo..
We moved on to Su Kae's house..


Tze Wen and Joe..

Su Kae, Lay Ling and Bee Suan..
Denson later on came for awhile..To Hong Wei's house next (petrol too much already)..
Then we went to had our lunch/tea-break..And next to Bee Suan's house to report herself..
To see turtles........
To see turtles........
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