Today is Xiao Ying's bithday..Happy birthday oh..^^
Stayed back at school until 4 like yesterday..But we all science stream students separated into 3 groups;Mr Ling,Miss Go and Mdm Wong..One ScA,one Bio1 and one bio2..Because number of people in my class is too big,so we have to split..Cicelia, Tze Wen, Chiaw Woon and I are the "lucky" one to join the bio2 students..But that "Douglas" actually is not in the name list one,he just ran in and sat with my groups..How impolite!However still very fun la with the topic we get..Syok the physics class..They had their group discussion in the air-cond room..
After that,we combined with one of the art stream group and we had to talk on what we had discussed for the past 1 hour(not really reach 1 hour also)..You know la usually we people talk very loud 1 ma..That "Douglas" took some of my smaller group's ideas and dare to shoot at my groups on our other points..####
Anyway,after that at night(the main course for this blog),Chin Siang and I went to find her..Charis..We actually went to Lumut one,but unfornately started to rain..So we ended up at SR..And looked for Junyan as well..


Chin Siang...


See Tim..Not my fault..He is the one don't want to sit still nia..
My ice-blended capuccino(as usual) and grilled black pepper chicken chop with rice..

Chin Siang's grilled mushroom chicken chop with rice..

Charis's Oreo milkshake and dori fish with lobster sauce..

After the main course, we ordered Mango Delight and Chocolate Strawberry..So nice..I paid the least(they are the bosses for today)..Hehe..
hi,i m coming,
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where tis place arr??
food look like delicious!haha
hello hello. good to know you have blog d. keep that inspiration up!