Monday, August 31, 2009
BB Nite to TB..
BB Nite..
"WELCOME TO FAREWELL" by BLK..In other words, she was trying to say "welcome to you and F off" (interprated by some people)..How 'smart' she is..Agree?No offence..So while waiting for the board members to get their thing done, us, members were standing outside..DFA..not..Don't know why they camera-shy for today..

To make our RM3 worth it, we took mountains of food..Save some money for tomorrow morning (no need eat breakfast already)..LOL..
Then, "since the night is still young",kononnya, we all headed to TB-Teluk Batik with a old-er generation people; our Chemistry teacher..(we actually forced her to come along with us)
Sorry for poor quality pics due to cheap handphone..sorry..but still not that bad la hor?
"Like It Be.."
The every day routine that I will now do;staring out the window [not peeping at girls la(not fully..lol..)]..Just wanna see the blue sky..Feel the wind blowing..Get so sien stuck in a room..Facing the 4 walls every single minute..Wanna breathe more fresh air(I must be joking)..
Frame of view..
Calm and relaxing feeling given by the nature..(DFA lo...LOL..)
The sky was getting darker..Which mean .....
rain would start falling..
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Happy Birthday..
Cyn Sheng's birthday is on 13th August with is yesterday..He belanja us makan steamboat at simpang dua there..Rich hor..
Number of people came : 4 L6, 1 U6, 3 F5, 2 college students(same age 1) and 5 college students(older than us by 1 year) = 15 + 1 (himself) = 16
So we had to spill to 2 tables..My table's really eat a lot..They kept on taking the meatballs and eggs but the other table only took once..

Stop pointing, Michelle..
Monday, August 10, 2009
My sis's convo..
Early morning had to wake up early to KL..Unable to attend the ILTS..Sorry Jun and OSW..LOL..
Went to UM first to pick up my bro..Then only to my yiyi's house..My parents have to go early to UPM for the convocation..We all went later..
My sis's convocation..

From my big bro..

Jie jie with Kong Kong and Mah Mah..
Sunday, August 2, 2009
37th Installation Night
Installation night ah..Only thing worried is my speech..Luckily still can deliver it well..LOL..Didn't bring camera along..Haiz..Too busy already..Then after the function is over, Jun, Prashan, TP, Shu Wei and I went out to Capri..Then to TB and next to McD..Same like what happened last thursday,30/07/09,all of us(got 18people) raised and walked out from Pizza Hut just like though we already had our seats..Paiseh nia meh..